Preparing the Surface

When laying artificial grass, you need to make sure that the surface underneath where the grass will be laid has been properly prepared. One of the most important steps you can take is to ensure the surface is smooth. If there are any uneven areas, including stones, bumps or protruding tree roots, these will show through when you lay the grass. This will create an unnatural finish. Before you install artificial turf, remove any lumps and bumps from the ground so you have a smooth and even surface to work with.

One of the reasons you may have chosen artificial grass is because you no longer want to tackle unsightly weeds in your grass. The beauty of artificial turf is that weeds in your grass will become a thing of the past, but this isn't always the case. One of the biggest mistakes some people make when laying artificial grass is to not install a weed barrier beforehand. A weed barrier is essential for banishing weeds from growing through the artificial grass, so it's well worth going to the effort of placing a weed barrier down prior to artificial grass installation.

Another common error people make when installing artificial grass is not considering drainage, which can cause water to pool on the grass. Good solutions include adding a deep sub-base filled with stones to allow free drainage or creating a gentle slope in your lawn.



It's not just before the installation that you need to consider when laying artificial grass correctly. Many people make the mistake of laying the grass the wrong way so that it doesn't create an even and uniform appearance. Additionally, if the joins are not smooth, tight and even, the grass can look unattractive and may be costly to put right.

Another common error made is not securing the edges down properly following installation. If the edges aren't nailed down, they can soon curl or fray or become a potential trip hazard.

For everything you need to know about installing and laying artificial grass, we are the experts to turn to for advice and guidance.